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About Us

Pan Magazine was founded in June 2014 by Ted Goslin, based out of Los Angeles, Calif. The site was established to tell the stories of all those fighting to improve and develop the steelpan artform.

Editorial Staff

Ted Goslin, Editor-in-Chief

Ted has been involved with the steelpan instrument for over 25 years. He first began playing in the North Torrance High School #10 Tin Can Band, originally led by David Beery and Jim Webb. He continued performing and writing music for steelpan after high school, playing with the band PANic All-Stars, led by famed jazz drummer and pannist, Chris Wabich. He has performed all around the country, including Iowa, North Carolina, Phoenix, and internationally in Finland and Trinidad & Tobago at the world renowned Panorama competition. He has performed with the likes of Len “Boogsie” Sharpe, Ray Holman, Andy Narell and Liam Teague. He went on to perform regularly with the CSULB Steel Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. Michael Carney and later, Dr. Dave Gerhart. Ted continues to be involved today with the instrument, performing with his own bands, Pure Steel and Teddy G and The Groove, in Los Angeles.

Contact at: Email: ted@pan-mag.com