As the current pandemic continues to rage around the world, countless individuals are turning towards creative expression as a way to find a fulfilling use of their time. The resulting products of these artistic expeditions have been astounding, particularly in the steelpan community. The inception of a new podcast in May 2020, All Things Pan, is no exception, with its episodes sure to be delighting pan lovers for years to come.
New episodes stream on Instagram Live each Monday at 5 PM PST and are available afterward to view at any time on IGTV. During the show, host and self-taught pannist Danielle George sits down with a wide variety of guests as they relay their experiences to her audience, making fascinating stories from the pan community easily accessible on a global scale. With the goal of each episode to really get to know each guest, the podcast feels quite personal and casual, giving it a home-like feel.

PAN Magazine sat down with Danielle to ask her a few questions about her show, life, and involvement with pan. You can check out the interview below and her podcast HERE.
PAN Magazine: How did you get started with pan? I see that your bio says you started at the age of seven in Edmonton and have over 30 years of experience playing and arranging pan, along with being a band leader for Trincan Steelband.
Danielle: “My dad started a band here in Edmonton with a few of his friends called Trincan Steel Orchestra. When I was young I would always play around with the pan he had at the back of the store my parents used to own. He taught me a song and he noticed how fast I learned it. Since then, I’ve been playing with the band.”
PAN Magazine: How did you come up with the idea for All Things Pan?
Danielle: “It happened during quarantine. I noticed that there weren’t any outlets for pannists to really express themselves: a space for them to talk about how much they love the instrument and have people actually get to know them in a different light.”
PAN Magazine: What is your goal for this podcast?
Danielle: “My goal is to have a place for pannists, tuners, builders, and pan enthusiasts to come together and share their experiences within the pan fraternity.”
PAN Magazine: What do you hope pan enthusiasts get out of your podcast?
Danielle: “I would like pan enthusiasts to really get to know their favorite pannists, arrangers, pan tuners or pan builders – why they perform the way they do, who influences them, how they got involved with steel pan and why. I feel like I’m achieving it because at the same time I’m learning right along with them.”
PAN Magazine: Who are your biggest influences in pan and how have they influenced you, musically or otherwise?
Danielle: “My dad and Len “Boogsie” Sharpe, but over the years many Pannists and arrangers have influenced me in some way. As for music I love my R&B, calypso and soca. But, I try to listen to everything at some point to understand music more.”
PAN Magazine: What kind of feedback have you received from the pan community in general?
Danielle: “The feedback has been amazing. I’ve been receiving so much support from everyone, it just let’s me know I’m on the right path.”
PAN Magazine: What’s been the most difficult aspect of running the podcast so far?
Danielle: “I think the most difficult part is working with Wi-Fi. Technology always has its moment when it wants to work against you.”
PAN Magazine: Who is your favorite pannist/arranger and how has that influenced how you approach all you do in pan, from playing to podcasting?
Danielle: “Favorite pannist/arranger….that’s a hard one to answer because I don’t have just one. I honestly gain a new favorite the more I do this podcast. I could always say Duvone Stewart, Dr. Len “Boogsie” Sharpe, Dr. Jit Samaroo and Johann Chuckaree. But since doing my podcast, I can also add Vanessa Headley, Kern Sumerville, Andre White, Earl Brooks Jr, Sons of Steel, and Dr. Mia Gormandy-Benjamin. I could honestly go on and on. They’ve all taught me so many things but the one thing that they all have in common is to just keep going, just do it, be you, practice makes perfect, and we are all always learning.”
PAN Magazine: What are your hopes for the future of pan and where do you see your podcast fitting into that?
Danielle: “My hope for the future of steel pan what we are all doing right now, supporting each other and collectively pushing steel pan to the future and making the instrument bigger than it needs to be. I hope that my podcast will allow me to travel the world and interview people in the pan fraternity in person.”
Watch all episodes of All Things Pan on Instagram HERE.
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